BMW E30 paint codes and color options:
The below list is the most comprehensive known paint colors we could compile. BMW did not publish a list publicly of this data. Therefore, we used the most reliable sources we could find and same up with the list below. With the modern day popularity of the E30, owners have repainted them virtually every color BMW had to offer whether it was an OEM option during production or not.
The OEM BMW color options for the E30 is quite extensive and also a bit elusive. All colors were not offered in all markets of the world and all colors were not available on all models. The BMW E30 M3 paint codes are posted on a separate post and can be found through the E30 quick link below or in the menu above.
For now, make sure to enjoy the rare options and google examples of them. Seeing the rare colors make you appreciate the body design and lines of the car in a different way.
BMW E30 3 series background:
The BMW E30 is the second generation 3 series following the E21. The E30 was manufactured from 1982 thru 1994. Over its life cycle, the total production numbers of the BMW E30 was 2,344,341 units, this includes all models. Although the outgoing E21 3 series only came in Coupe and Baur editions, the E30 was offered first in coupe, then sedan, convertible, touring and Baur editions. The E30 is also the first 3 series to be offered in a diesel engine and all wheel drive versions.
✔ Where can I find my BMW paint code? Learn how, click HERE
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BMW E30 Paint Codes / Color Options
Acaiagrun | 179 | 1984 thru 1987 | |
Alpinweiss | 146 | 1982 thru 1987 | |
Alpinweiss II | 218 | 1987 thru 1994 | |
Atlantisblau | 207 | 1987 thru 1992 | |
Basaltblau | 180 | 1982 thru 1987 | |
Brilliantrot | 308 | 1989 thru 1993 | |
Gazellenbeige | 128 | 1984 thru 1987 | |
Hennarot | 052 | 1982 thru 1984 | |
Karminrot | 172 | 1984 thru 1987 | |
Lapisblau | 173 | 1982 thru 1987 | |
Mineralblau | 231 | 1987 thru 1990 | |
Mugellorot | 274 | 1992 thru 1994 | |
Saturnblau | 176 | 1984 thru 1987 | |
Schwarz | 086 | 1982 thru 1994 | |
Vulkangrau | 329 | 1990 thru 1993 | |
Weinrot | 224 | 1987 thru 1990 | |
Zinoberrot | 138 | 1984 thru 1990 | |
Achatgruen Metallic | 177 | 1982 thru 1986 | |
Arctisblau Metallic | 045 | 1982 thru 1986 | |
Baltic Blue Metallic | 178 | 1982 thru 1984 | |
Bahamabeige Metallic | 170 | 1982 thru 1987 | |
Bronzitbeig Metallic | 139 | 1982 thru 1990 | |
Burgundrot Metallic | 199 | 1982 thru 1986 | |
Burgundrot II Metallic | 214 | 1986 thru 1990 | |
Calypsorot Metallic | 252 | 1989 thru 1994 | |
Cirrusblau Metallic | 189 | 1986 thru 1990 | |
Cosmosblau Metallic | 185 | 1984 thru 1986 | |
Delphin Metallic | 184 | 1984 thru 1990 | |
Diamantschwarz Metallic | 181 | 1989 thru 1994 | |
Gletscherblau Metallic | 280 | 1989 thru 1993 | |
Granitsilber Metallic | 237 | 1990 thru 1994 | |
Graphit Metallic | 087 | 1982 thru 1984 | |
Lachssilber Metallic | 203 | 1986 thru 1989 | |
Lagunengruen Metallic | 266 | 1990 thru 1994 | |
Lazerblau Metallic | 294 | 1989 thru 1993 | |
Luxorbeige Metallic | 219 | 1987 thru 1990 | |
Malachitgruen Metallic | 205 | 1986 thru 1991 | |
Macaoblau Metallic | 250 | 1988 thru 1991 | |
Nerzbraun Metallic | 212 | 1986 thru 1990 | |
Platanengrun Metallic | 188 | 1984 thru 1987 | |
Polaris Metallic | 060 | 1982 thru 1986 | |
Royalblau Metallic | 198 | 1986 thru 1991 | |
Saphirblau Metallic | 149 | 1984 thru 1987 | |
Sebringgrau Metallic | 229 | 1989 thru 1991 | |
Smaragdgruen Metallic | 182 | 1986 thru 1987 | |
Sterlingsilber Metallic | 244 | 1989 thru 1993 | |
Zobelbraun Metallic | 196 | 1984 thru 1987 | |
Bostongruen Metallic | 275 | 1993 thru 1994 | |
Daytonaviolett Metallic | 283 | 1992 thru 1994 | |
Kaschmirebeige Metallic | 301 | 1990 thru 1994 | |
Mauritiusblau Metallic | 287 | 1990 thru 1994 | |
Neonblau | 255 | 1991 thru 1992 | |
Neongruen | 262 | 1993 thru 1994 |